Incorporate Current Marketing Channels With CRM

Incorporate Current Marketing Channels With CRM

CRM software plays an important role in many companies, but a major advantage in your marketing awaits you, when you use a completely integrated approach with your CRM that includes making use of the various technology components to track, improve your customer data and your customer service.

Social media platforms should play a key role in your CRM marketing strategies as they offer a completely new source for customer data, and marketers should be adding them to their CRM databases.

Not only has social media given companies access to a multitude of levels of information about potential customers, it also offers a new way to reach your customers that is acceptable and encouraged by social media users. What many companies donít realize is that it will also have a significant impact on the way that B2B companies reach the market.

Having the ability to track behavior, such as what users click on, the websites they visit, what they like, etc., allows marketers to create a ëdigitalí profile and adding social media to your database will give you insight that you have never had in the past. You will quickly learn what the consumer likes, what they trust, and what they focus on.

As a marketer, it is imperative that you focus on incorporating those results into your database so that you can form a ëbig pictureí of the consumer and your customers that will allow you to easily target the perspective customers.

Most companies are already using social media themselves. Depending on the size of the account will depend on how many social networks they participate in, but itís common for a large company to manage more than 100 different social media accounts.

B2B companies struggle more with social media. They must merge social interaction with their fundamental practices, which can be challenging. They must also measure social media to learn the channel value. There are customers who might complain on social networking platforms, yet never lodge an actual customer service ticket. This technology allows you to grab that customers name and actually deal with the complaint that otherwise you would not have known about. It builds good customer service and good branding.

All of the information gathered in social networks helps to build a better picture of your buyer. This information is helpful throughout the selling cycle where marketing is targeting potential buyers of your product. There is great potential here when used properly.